Donate for exclusive designer pro tips!
For 35 years, we’ve shown you beautiful kitchens to support the mission of helping young families create their own homes.
Now, we need your help more than ever. We’ve had to cancel our traditional Kitchen Walk and completely reinvent our big spring fundraiser which accounts for $60,000 of our yearly budget.
Introducing, Kitchen Talk!
This year, we’re talking instead of walking. As our Kitchen Walk friend, we are asking you to donate today to make that dream of home a reality for moms and their children. As a thank you, you’ll receive access to a video of exclusive pro tips from your favorite designers and a discount code for Bright Endeavors candles, sent to your email on April 25th. This is a special gift from the designers and New Moms to show you our appreciation.
When you donate, you’re helping New Moms keep services available to young moms and their children. Donate today to get your exclusive designer pro tips!
Donate for exclusive designer pro tips!