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New Moms’ FY20 Annual Report is here!

New Moms is thrilled to share our latest Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020)!

Inside you’ll find highlights of how our mission played out in the past fiscal year. We saw transformation in the lives of many young families, and we hope that as you read this report you will get a beautiful look into what that means. Additionally, this report spotlights our long-held commitment to racial equity and how this has informed the formation of our programming from the inside out.

While the pandemic created challenges to how we worked with young moms and their children, we were reminded of an essential truth as we navigated through the past year: our mission matters, now more than ever.

Please click here or the image above to view our report. We hope you enjoy it, and thank you for being part of the transformation!


Laura Zumdahl New Moms President & CEO