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Core Programs

New Moms ensures that you will have everything you need to thrive. Together with your New Moms coach, you will build the foundations of thriving futures for yourself, your children, and your community.


Young moms and children need stability to take the next steps forward. New Moms provides both transitional and permanent housing, where residents can choose to engage with a family coach and set personal goals for their family’s well-being.

Family Support

New Moms ensures that young moms have what they need to thrive. Our family support program offers a holistic set of services, including prenatal education, birth coaches, home visits, peer support groups, and other parenting resources, tools, and meaningful social connections.

Young woman working on a computer.

College Success

Being a mom shouldn’t require abandoning academic dreams. Through monthly stipends, childcare support, and individual and group coaching, New Moms provides a resource for young moms looking to graduate from postsecondary education and find work in family-sustaining, living-wage jobs.

Job Training

Economic mobility is key to lasting change. New Moms offers a comprehensive paid job training program through our successful candle company, Bright Endeavors, providing job skills and career readiness that help open doors to opportunity.

Young woman working on a computer.

New Moms Notice of Privacy Practices:
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can obtain access to this information.